- Guitar Accessories
- Guitar Strings
- Made in France, since 1770
- Rectified Trebles & Corum Basses set
- Long life and smooth feel
- Reduced left hand noise
- Normal Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- Alliance Trebles & Cantiga Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
Mixed Tension set (High Tension Basses & Normal Tension Trebles)
Made in France, since 1770
- Traditional basses, high tension Rectified Traditional trebles and white, plastic wound 3rd.
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- Traditional basses & Rectified Traditional trebles
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
Normal Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- Corelli New Crystal
Long life and smooth feel
High Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- Corelli New Crystal
Long life and smooth feel
Medium Tension set
- Made in France, since 1770
- 4/4 Cello strings
- Bright and strong tone with consistent pitch stability
- Virtually resistant to climate and temperature change
- Medium Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- Cantiga Basses single string for 4th string (D)
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension
Made in France, since 1770
- Cantiga Basses single string for 5th string (A)
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension
Made in France, since 1770
- Cantiga Basses single string for 6th string (E)
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension
Made in France, since 1770
- New Cristal Trebles & HT Classic Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
Normal Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- New Cristal Trebles & Corum Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension set
- Made in France, since 1770
- Alliance Trebles & Cantiga Basses set
- Long life and smooth feel
- Reduced left hand noise
- Mixed Tension set (High Tension Basses & Normal Tension Trebles)
Made in France, since 1770
- New Cristal Trebles & HT Classic Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- New Cristal Trebles & Corum Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
Normal Tension set
Made in France, since 1770
- New Cristal Trebles & Cantiga Basses set
Long life and smooth feel
Reduced left hand noise
High Tension set